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Connecting Edge Device to the Kubernetes Service

This document takes you through the instructions to setup a topology to demonstrate a scenario where a Pod running on MicroShift on an Edge device can access the . Service running on a Kubernetes cluster deployed in private data center . Service running on a Kubernetes cluster deployed in the Cloud

Deployment Topology

You need to set up the following minimum deployment topology.

  • Deploy MicroShift on a VM that is running behind the NAT and not externally reachable.
  • One Master and 2 Worker node Kubernetes Cluster on a Private data center, that is not reachable from MicroShift VM
  • One Master and 2 Worker node Kubernetes Cluster on a Public Cloud (e.g AWS)

Note: Please see the troubleshooting section for some additional information around possible issues and their workarounds (specifically around MicroShift deployment)

Deploying Nexodus Service

Please follow the instructions provided in the README to set up the Nexodus Service. Make sure you set up the service on a machine that is reachable from your Kubernetes and MicroShift clusters.

Once your Nexodus Service is set up, please get the CA certification from Nexodus's secret and keep it handy. You will need this CA cert for deploying the Nexodus agent and to access the Nexodus Service UI.

kubectl get secret -n nexodus nexodus-ca-key-pair -o json | jq -r '.data."ca.crt"'

Deploying Nexodus Agent on Clusters Nodes

Please follow the README Section to deploy the Nexodus agent. It mainly requires two steps

  1. Set config data in ./deploy/nexodus-client/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml and deploy the Nexodus agent's manifest files

sh kubectl apply -k ./deploy/nexodus-client/overlays/dev

  1. Tag the worker nodes that you want to join the Nexodus network.

        kubectl label nodes <NODE_NAME>

    This will deploy the Nexodus agent pod on that node and onboard the node to the Nexodus network.

If you tag all the worker nodes in both private and public kubernetes cluster and also the MicroShift node, the deployment topology will look as shown in the below diagram.

    subgraph privK8s["Private K8s Cluster <br>"]
        m1[Master]<-.-> w1
        w1[Worker-1]<-.-> w2[Worker-2]
        m1 <-.-> w2
    subgraph pubK8s["Public K8s Cluster (AWS) <br>"]
        m2[Master]<-.-> w3
        w3[Worker-1]<-.-> w4[Worker-2]
        m2 <-.-> w4

    subgraph nexodus["Nexodus Service (AWS) <br><br><br>"]
        ax[Nexodus Service]
    subgraph mShift["Edge Device -"]

    Nexodus <-.-> mShift
    Nexodus <-.-> privK8s 
    Nexodus <-.-> pubK8s
    linkStyle 6 stroke:blue;
    linkStyle 7 stroke:blue;
    linkStyle 8 stroke:blue;

    id1{{ Nexodus Network <br> Direct Peering or Through Relay}}

    w1 <-.-> id1
    w2 <-.-> id1
    ms <-.-> id1 
    w3 <-.-> id1 
    w4 <-.-> id1 
    linkStyle 9 stroke:red;
    linkStyle 10 stroke:red;
    linkStyle 11 stroke:red;
    linkStyle 12 stroke:red;
    linkStyle 13 stroke:red;

Red arrows show the nodes connected to each other through the Nexodus network. The connectivity between the nodes can be a direct peering or through a relay (in case of symmetric NAT).

Deploy NodePort Service On Kubernetes Clusters

Deploy NodePort service such as Nginx or any Client Server service to both private and public kubernetes clusters. You can deploy following example nginx service for testing

kubectl apply -f

It deploys two replicas of the deployment across the worker nodes.

Access NodePort service from MicroShift

Deploy a curl pod in MicroShift and you can access the service using the wireguard ip addresses assigned to the connected nodes.

kubectl run mycurlpod --image=curlimages/curl -i --tty -- sh

$ curl
Server address:
Server name: nginx-7698b7f69f-zbzl9
Date: 26/Jan/2023:07:49:44 +0000
URI: /
Request ID: 5648b07d658223aa8f488d9833cac06d


  • Nexodus agent pod is not deployed even after tagging the MicroShift node.
  • MicroShift security context doesn't allow deployment of privileged containers. You need to add security context policy to the nexodus service account to allow the deployment.
  sudo oc --kubeconfig /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig adm policy add-scc-to-user -z nexodus -n nexodus privileged
  • You don't see wireguard interface wg0 after Nexodus agent deployment in MicroShift node.
  • Current version of MicroShift is only supported on RHEL 8.7. RHEL 8.7 uses kernel 4.18.x, which does not have a wireguard kernel module. You need to explicitly install the wireguard module on the MicroShift node. Redeploy the pod after loading the wireguard kernel module and that should fix the issue.

    sudo dnf install
    sudo dnf install
    sudo dnf install kmod-wireguard -y
  • MicroShift doesn't allow you to deploy a simple pod (e.g curl pod) in the default namespace.

  • MicroShift uses the Kubernetes 1.25 release that is now migrated to Pod Security Admission Controller and deprecated PodSecurityPolicy to enforce predefined Pod Security Standard. These default pod security standards deny the pod deployments. A quick workaround is to tag the namespace (e.g default namespace if you are deploying the pod in it) with

        oc  label --overwrite ns default